my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

gender-variant behavior

Not sure where I found this link, but it sure is interesting... and makes me a little sad. My son is a pretty happy, well-adjusted kid, who tends to choose dolls, purple & pink, shiny things, little things, art... but who also loves a good rough-and-tumble. The booklet says that gender-variant boys tend to be gay when they grow up, full stop.

Not sure why that bugs me so much, but it does. I guess I don't want life to be hard(er) for him; he's already feeling some stress about being from a mom-and-kid family. We had the "I want a dad" conversation again last night; at one point, he said he wanted to have two dads, to the exclusion of me, it sounded! :) I try not to be sensitive and just deal with it like my wistful longing for a grandfather when I was young--a yearning for an idealized creature. He wants a dad to play with him and watch videos with him. Sure, who wouldn't?

Anyway, the booklet above just underscored my need to accept him exactly as he is, whatever his choices are. I'll do my best.


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