my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Vegas, Fourth and Final

Up again a little too early, sort of starting to pack my things to be able to come back & go to the airport. Headed out for the game, everyone a bit jittery, I think. The team was playing on a different rink at the same place as most of their games, in the farthest room from the doors, and I had to go past the benches (read: not as much protection from flying pucks) to get to it with Val (which just made me damned nervous). (Val likes to see her moms before the game.)

I saw much of this game, which was a good thing, as it really was a good game. I did have to miss some important parts to take Val to the changing table. Once we got there, she helpfully pointed out that the poop I thought I'd smelled was "gas." Dang, good thing they're cute!

She was cold this game, unlike the others, so I snuggled her as best I could to warm her up. Burninators skated and skated and scored some and gave some up. Hooey, it was tense. I started the benches thumping and chanting "Bur-ni-NATE!" a few times, but we noticed each time we did this, the puck ended up in our zone, so we were a bit discouraged. We kept yelling, but only joined in when the Burninators themselves thumped away.

Sadly, the game ended before the Burninators were able to dominate. There was a nice trophy ceremony at the end, where they handed out first- and second-place trophies to all the participants, as well as All Tournament trophies to the standouts (on both teams and one on another team entirely). Just after I said to a friend, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if someone skated up and took out the entire trophy table, Ellen skated up and wiped out completely. Didn't take out the trophy table, but it was pretty funny. Even funnier when others skated up and exaggerated being careful in the spot (another skater pointed out with her skate that that area was actually very uneven). Ellen took it well, and ended up with one of the All Tournament trophies, so that wasn't all bad.

TROGDOR the Burninator was still revered even after the defeat (I was somewhat ready for the team to shred him into yarny bits, to vent their--dare I say it?--spleens).

insert flight late turbulence no spilled beer lost luggage here


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