my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Scrimmage against BTDs 2-4; Puck Bunnies vs. Puck Ewes 1-1

We had a scrimmage set up with Burninators vs. Buck-Toothed Dolphins on Saturday at 4. It was add the ever-so-odd Ice Oasis, which is replete with stairs (stairs?!?) from the entrance to the locker rooms. I panicked off the Dumbarton bridge and took the first exit, which was University, rather than the last, which would have been Marsh Road and would have put me there right on time. Since we had an adventure instead, I got there with maybe 10 minutes to change. I did manage to get on the ice before the game started, but just barely.

Before this game, I was very nervous about playing with the Burninators and about playing in Vegas. Afterward, although I definitely felt like I was the least skilled player on the team, I still felt like I would measure up OK. There was a breakaway where I tried to chase the player down and failed miserably, and it made me think of Andrea's saying "I was -1 in the first period," which I hadn't really thought of before. I whacked my stick on the in annoyance and Lucinda skated by and said to shake it off, which was right (although once I'd whacked the stick, I really was past it). I skated as fast as *I* can, and that was it, all I could do. (Although next time, I'm going to make sure I keep skating to do the back-check if I can. I think I did and she just shot fast, but if not, I need to change that.)

It is a fun team of great players; it's going to be a blast!

Tonight's game was at Belmont against a very strong team. I think we could have dominated if we'd rushed the puck more and made better passes; as it was, we did make a lot of panicked passes-to-empty-space and not enough rebounds. Very fun and clean game, though; only one penalty, and it was on their side. They scored first, but we answered pretty quickly, and we held each other till the end. We got through the whole 5 mins of sudden death without any more pucks in the net, but not for lack of trying. I am really liking my team but am also wanting to be a captain and be able to say things like, "Forwards, you need to skate to the puck more and everyone needs to leave her stick on the ice." That would be Bossy Me. Time for that later, I guess.

For now, I need to wash my gear (pew!) and re-tape my stick (it's been like, hm, maybe forever). One more game here, next Sunday, and then it's off to Vegas!


At 11:03 AM, January 12, 2009, Blogger Viv said...

None of us can catch everyone all the time, especially when the person on the breakaway is coming down the ice with a full head of steam. Nothing to be annoyed over, although if a stick bang is all it takes to get over being annoyed, bang away!

At 12:39 PM, January 12, 2009, Blogger andrea said...

banging your stick during play wastes time and energy and gives the other player a couple steps.

better to resume chase and bang your stick after play has stopped. ;o)


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