my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

We have landed

Today was a loooong day. We left Dinan in the darkness at 6:39AM, 39 minutes behind my schedule (which was, happily, nicely padded). I had hoped to stop in Chartres to show Charlie the beautiful cathedral there, the one with mismatched spires, but the woman at the rest stop ("aire"--and this one had a gas station and restaurant. The French do things right!) said it would take almost 2 hours to get to Paris from there, so we pushed on.

After arriving at Charles de Gaulle airport, finally having emerged from midday Paris traffic (ugh), we trekked through the terminal to the RER area. I bought only Metro tickets at first, thinking I was being smarter than the others, buying €9.70 SNCF tickets. More the fool I--you can use the Metro tickets on the RER, but only within Zone 1 (or maybe Zones 1 & 2), in Paris. Went back into the line & bought the damned SNCF tickets.

By the time we rode RER into town, switched to line 6 toward Charles de Gaulle Étoile, and carted our heavy bags over all those damned steps, we were both sweaty and out of sorts.

Met up with lovely Lydia before the apartment building, and she got us in, and... working WiFi and my child is transformed from "don't talk to me for at least FIVE HOURS" to a giggly boy watching endless YouTube videos.

It's nice to be back. Dinan was lovely, but the lack of WiFi was really kind of rough. We now have working cell phones, though! (France only)


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