my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bad flashback

I was reading hiking descriptions from Mt. Diablo, where we'll go this weekend. Came across this hike, and once I got to the description, I had a bad flashback. It sounded a lot like when I used to play rogue, an entirely text-based computer game. It would say something like

"You are standing in front of an old house. There is a rock here."

Generally, if you found something, it was worth having, so you'd type "get rock." and your character would pick it up, or you'd see something like

"The rock is too heavy to pick up." and you'd have to figure out that you'd need the pickaxe or to look behind it--and how to phrase those activities.

Like all computer-based games, I sucked royally at it. Hopefully, the actual hike will be more fun.

(And yes, I'm painfully aware that most of my readers will have no idea what I'm talking about, except probably R.)


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