my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Men's nipples have a purpose, as do female orgasms

Dang, I'm peeved. I read this story from a link from Mark Morford's latest column. In the story, the researcher says that men's nipples are vestigial. Just last weekend, Graham and I were reading a book from the library that said the same thing--women can feed babies with their nipples, but men's don't do anything.

WTF? I've known plenty of men who have feeling in their nipples and enjoy them being played with as part of sex. I'd say they serve a purpose, then!

And as for women's orgasms having not purpose... ay yi yi. I would bet they serve a purpose in getting women to want to have sex (with men) again to pursue that elusive sensation.... This may not make sense, but suffice it to say that I'm steamed.

And anyway, how can something that awesome (experienced with any sex of partner, or no partner at all) not be purposeful?


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