my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Saturday, August 06, 2005


We had a lazy day but started with a bit of a flurry. We got up reasonably early, tumbled into the car, and went to a local Safeway store for their "Grand Reopening." They were giving out "mini DVD players," by which I and another patron thought they meant "portable DVD players," as in, plugs into the cigarette lighter and has a screen--well, they actually meant "DVD players that are small but are used at home w/your TV." Anyway, we went through the checkstand 7 times before we finally won one! When I realized they weren't portable, I was still happy, as I've wanted to get one for my bedroom for a while. (When G wanted to watch a DVD but I wanted to, too, he had to watch a video in my room and was quite put out--and vocal--over it.)

So, that was nice! We headed home but stopped at a neighborhood garage sale first. Got some Lakeshore Learning paint cups for just $4, G got given a Mickey Mouse big cup (must have had popcorn in it, but cute with Mickey Mouse ears on the conical top) for free, I got a new hockey stick for $1, G got a Spongebob toy he's been bugging me for forever ($.25), and I bought G a used, but still useful, full-sized basketball ($1). He's been saying basketball is his favorite sport, and since he is likely to be all of 5'9", he'd better be damned good. So he might as well start now.

At home, we set out our purchases (including all 8 from Safeway!), and then I started setting up the DVD player. Something got me interested in reorganizing my room the way I've wanted to, so I started moving things around and cleaning so that I could. I love it! I now have my bed against the far wall, the giant red thing which G has now christened "Fudgie" ("because it sounds cute") in the corner next to it, and my dresser w/TV&VCR& now DVD on top of it, on the wall across from the window. So now G and I can sit on Fudgie and read books, or I can relax on Fudgie or my bed to watch TV.

AND the upshot of the room reorg was dealing with a lot of papers and stuff that's been hiding in my room since I had to quickly clean out my car for... um.... someone. I can't remember who, but I ended up with two sacks of random stuff that I tucked away in my room oh-so-long-ago. Went through it all, swept up massive amounts of hiding dog hair (including some that was black, oh R.I.P. Max my sweet girl) and dust (with a bandana on since my dust allergies really like to crop up in these moments), and generally cleaned and reorganized other stuff. Nice! I'm very pleased. I still need to put up the reading lap over the new spot on my bed but otherwise, I'm pretty much ready for bear! Yeah!


At 1:16 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger andrea said...

ready for bear? are you making things up again?

At 4:32 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger Jennie said...

Pshaw, no! Google it! It's from my mountain-man roots.

At 9:33 PM, April 14, 2010, Blogger Unknown said...


You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mites allergies.


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