my soft spot

just a mom who plays hockey and knits

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Take it as it comes

Took the little guy to the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. Saw the 5PM local showing, and it was pretty good, although the squirrel scene (directly out of the book) is a little creepy and he felt he needed to hide his eyes till it was done.

Anyway, we took my bike & the bike trailer there. As I started home, he seemed extremely quiet, so I peeked around--out cold, his head bobbing with every dip in the road. When we got home, he didn't even wake when I parked the bike, so I took the opportunity to weed the rosebed, something it's needed for weeks now. Embarrassingly so. But I couldn't easily find the time before. I filled our greens barrel! And deeply watered them. Phew! He woke up when I was all done, bewildered and groggy. I took him upstairs, stripped his clothes off, and told him I'd be back to tuck him in. He rolled over and didn't wake up till the morning. Whoah. Big day, I guess!


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