What we did today
Something I read quickly just now put a thought into my head of using Blogger as a diary of sorts for our family. So, here goes.
Today was Day 2 of Winter Wonderland daycamp for Graham. He made yet more art projects and really seemed to relish them--his snowman photo holder had come with two googly eyes but he lost one somehow, and decided to simply make it a cyclops, one googly eye centered in the forehead. When I went to get him at noon, he pulled me over to the table of drying crafts to show me. He also pointed out that he didn't want to write on it, so he cleverly wrote his name on a piece of paper, and shoved the paper into the photo-holding hands of the snowclops.
I put him in the car and drove to Park St., where we were meeting my high school BFF. We were a bit early (what a nice change!), and I glanced around the restaurant and thought we'd arrived first. Then there she was, waving like crazy. She is still slim and sincere and funny and likeable and we jabbered any time our mouths weren't full of food. Her husband stood back and let us catch up gracefully, helping with their now-5-year-old (I thought she'd be 3!) needed attention. We only had an hour, but we really caught up (oops, I needed to ask about her mom and sister!) and I just relished the time together. We'll meet up again when she's here in February.
I took Graham back to camp and returned to work, where I'd been struggling with a logical conundrum. I bounced it off a few coworkers, thought I'd discovered the sticking point, and called my "I'm on vacation, but don't wait for answers, just call me on my cell" boss. She called back within the hour and we hashed out a quite liveable solution. I was dismayed to review the day and find I'd only worked on that issue the entire day. The deadline's Thursday! I have lots to do.
I left work, picked up Graham, and we headed home to have dinner and feed and water the dogs. Dinner was just Campbell's Chicken Noodle (my stepmom can no longer tolerate MSG in any form, so we totally scored the Chicken Noodle soup!) and toast. Then we packed up my spinning stuff and books to return and headed to the library for a Spinning Night. I adore our spinning nights, and one regular brought a friend from the Peninsula who is actually attempting the Master Spinner program, and brought her binder of samples to show (bits of different types of wool, then tiny skeins of it spun up and tiny swatches of it knitted). Very cool.
My friend Maia came, too (but she knitted rather than spun, as transporting her wheel was too much). It was so good to see her! I'd forgotten that she'd offered to teach me how to spin Long Draw (I'd probably blocked it from memory, as the last time I was taught, I just could. not. do. it). Maia's a wonderful teacher and it really clicked this time. And she gave me homework! She brought 8 oz of BFL for me to spin up by next Spinning Night (next Tuesday!), and if I get it done, she'll dye it for me (yummy deep Madder or ooh, maybe Concord Grape?). This is going to take some work!
Stefani also came and brought her son for Graham to play with. Apparently, they were both very much looking forward to seeing each other again. I hope to borrow T for playdates some time soon. Stefani invited us to an open house on Thursday evening, which works out great, since we have nothing planned, as it happens.
We dashed from the library to Border's Books at South Shore, as Graham has gift cards burning a hole in his pocket. There, we ran into Jessie and her son, who I'd invited over for games Thursday. Turns out they're going out of town, which frees us up for the open house (and early bedtime! No way I'm making it to midnight this year). It was great to see them, though. I enjoy both of them very much.
Tomorrow, Graham goes to Chabot Space & Science Center on a field trip with his Winter Wonderland friends. He's very much looking forward to it, but is not willing to bring his brand-new copy of "The Last Olympian," for fear of losing it. I think that's wise, but can't believe he's willing to be away from it!
He asked me to wake him up when I get up so he gets more reading time in the morning. He is such a cutie.