My kid, the fyderfighter
So my kid has announced that he wants to be a firefighter, which he pronounces more like fyderfighter. I was thinking how cool it is that his school is teaching gender neutral names for jobs, when "Caillou" came on the TV and went on and on about a MAILMAN. Oy! Is "mail carrier" so bleeding hard to say?
(Ironically, a friend's gf is a mail carrier and calls herself a mailman. But anyway...)
I do think it's interesting that my little 50%ile for height/weight guy wants to be a firefighter. His strengths, so far, are numbers/math and art. He's not that strong nor athletic. Well, we'll delve into that further. He wanted to be, within the past year, a "doctor-fyderfighter." I thought, Paramedic, not bad, sure. I found myself, this morning, actually encouraging him to consider a career as an artist. Oy, I'll be supporting him till he's 40 (should I live so long). Well, we gotta have the arts...